OT: Blood blisters
I have 2 killer blood blisters on the balls of my feet! They are each larger than a quarter and SO PAINFUL! I'm at work now, but will go to an urgent care after work to see about draining them. I'm afraid to do it myself because of possible infection. I can hardly walk. It happened last night when I wore some high heel boots to a concert and ended up having to park 5 blocks away. Walking that distance in the boots is what did it. I'm pretty incapacitated. I can imagine I will be quite sore for a LONG time while they heal. I'm throwing the boots away!
Anyone else ever had a bad blister on the ball of your foot? If so, how did you deal with it?
Oh Kim! I feel your pain. I have done two 3-Day walks for breast cancer. At the end of the first one, I had a big blister on the ball of my right foot and blisters on the bottoms of a couple of my toes! OUCH!
At the end of the walk, they had a medical tent and I saw the podiatrist. He not only drained the blisters, he removed the skin from several of them. I wish I had just let them be -- the pain was so intense. But, what are you gonna do?
They may have to be drained to get better quickly. Hopefully, they won't remove the skin too. I'm not going to be wearing heels anytime soon I can tell you. I will buy stylish flats forever!
I hope you will get relief quickly and the healing time will be brief.

Oh Linda! That sounds painful! How long did it take for the skinless blisters to heal? I'm afraid I'm going to be in severe pain for a month. I've only had a few blisters on my feet in the past. They have been from hiking. Usually on the back of my heel or the inside of my heel. Once I got one on the bottom of a toe. Those were painful enough just being water blisters. These are blood blisters.
My fiance told me about some bad foot issues he's had. Foot traumas and stuff. And he has had blisters where they took the skin off too. He said it's painful. I think either way it will be painful, but I want it to heal quickly. Right now, I wish I was on some pain meds, but I can't because I have to drive and I'm at work.
I hope if they drain them, that they can let the skin be. Maybe let it heal under there a bit before taking the skin off. I usually have big callouses because I have scoliosis and my wear pattern on my feet is heavier in certain areas because of my back. I have such thick callouses all the time. I've been trying to take better care of my feet with moisturizing and sloughing. I have a callous shaver to take the thick spots down. I just did this a couple weeks ago, and I bet that contributed to getting these blisters so fast. My callouses were not so thick.
So much for a pedicure next week.
Actually Kim, I think they did end up healing pretty fast. I got home on Sunday from the walk, didn't go to work on Monday because I couldn't bear to be on my feet, but I think I was walking gingerly by Tuesday. I got some second skin at the drug store which helped. I think they may have some thing available now called tegaderm -- it's a synthetic skin that you can put on and it will keep dirt and germs out. Also sticks right to the skin so there's no chafing.
I hope it gets better soon.
Well I went to urgent care yesterday and they drained them. She said at first there was nothing they could do. I wanted to cry. They hurt so bad from the pressure. And in the spot they were, it was so painful. So they drained them and they feel alot better. She said to change the bandaids 3 times a day with antibiotics. I think the little hole is already healed up, though. They didn't take the skin off. I will look for that stuff for when the skin comes off. I can imagine it will be tender then too.