plastic surgeon???
Hey Deanna! How exciting! I don't have any specifics, but I've heard the PS's at OHSU are great. Hopefully some people will jump on board here and give you some advice. I'll be watching too. I am not sure yet if I'm going to need some way down the road. I know I'm not liking the flab I'm seeing on me now, and I'm not even done losing.
Dr Julia Hansen at OHSU is listed as one of the top 3 PS in the PNW and THE top in reconstructive breast surgery following a masectomy. I've seen her work and she is a wonderful sculptress.
She will be performing an anchor cut pannicula breast reduction and lift on 4/13 for ME
and I couldn't be happier!!! Her prices were very reasonable as well.
If you want additional info e-mail me.

Yes, she does all forms and we talked about that for me, but I have a LOT of excess skin in the waist area so the anchor cut panny will be the best for me. My butt is actually not bad. Also she goes way out onto the hip and pulls up on the thighs.
She would certainly take a lot of time to explain everything. I really liked her. She is also in awe of those of us who have worked so hard to accomplish all we have. Remember she works with all kinds and many people aren't reconstructive so much as cosmetic...WE are reconstructive AND proactive.

Im glad Pat got a chance to drop you note, Im the one Pat actually saw her work done on. I have pictures on my profile. She is a wonderful women and really does an amazing job ! I would be happy to answer any questions you might have.
She only charges $60 for a consultation, and then they credit it back to you if you have surgery.
Good luck !