OK, It's official, after a very frustraiting 3 weeks stall (which began only 1 week after surgery) I have started losing weight again. A couple of days ago I hit ONDERLAND...and cried. I have not seen the 100's in several years and it was a bit overwhelming for me. I am now down to 196.5 (losing about 5 lbs this week...amazing!) Those stalls are very upsetting but I can see now that they really do have to break and give in eventually.
I am down to only 1 pr of leggins that fit me so I think I need to go to a 2nd hand store and buy a couple of things to wear for the next couple of months. Clothes will be mighty slim pickens in this house for a spell. Never thought I would say that I don't have anything small enough to wear......
Life is good!