Thanks Bill,
I am not at the U of O but I think it would be cool to have someone help me prep for an interview. I bet when I get to work next week my boss will help me out. He is really cool about all this and just wants me to better myself. The idea of video taping is a good one to. I have not heard of that before and my just try it. I am trying to think of questions that I want to ask. I know that is important to a lot of interviewers.
Thanks for the advise and good wishes.
I hope the interviews go really well for you.
When I interview for a new staff member, I want the candidate to make good eye contact with me, be dressed appropriately (nothing with sequins or sheer), not too much jewelry and absolutely NO PERFUME. From then on just answer the questions honestly.
Go up to Peace Health's main website and look at everything you can find on the dept you will be interviewing with -- it might trigger some questions you may wish to ask them and at the very least yield some background ithat may serve you well during the interview. Do as much homework as you can about them -- there might be an opportunity during your interview that this info will be helpful and show your interest in their organization's job, not just any job.
Best of luck,
First of all CONGRATULATIONS to YOU! You sound so happy.
There is so much that can happen at an interview but my first word of advice to you would be to be who you are, it looks so good on you. You are indeed a very likable person.
Next, I have been on plenty of interviews in my lifetime and this particular question has come up probably 50% of the time during interviews for me and it use to catch me off guard but no more.
Here goes the question so you will be prepared in the event you are asked:
"In your opinion, what is the greatest accomplishment you have achieved in your lifetime?"
Don't be afraid to stand tall (figure of speech) and sound confident when you answer that question. Often times, they are looking for confidence and quick thinking. That is true with any question they may ask of you.
Most importantly, try to relax. Interviews are a time to "toot your own horn" so-to-speak and get aquatinted with the company.
It's also a good idea to take in a copy of your resume just in case they misplaced yours. It makes you look completely prepared.
One more suggestion, and interview is not only about what they want you to ask, but also a time for you to ask them questions. One thing I always ask is "What benefits does your company offer to employees?" (If I don't already know that is) It makes the interview seem more "mutual" and I have found it is a real ice breaker. Just remember not to ask your questions too early on. You will be able to tell when the time is right. It also shows confidence.
Most anything neat in appearance works for a job interview except Jeans. (And I work for a Jean company)
Best of luck to you on your interview. I hope you get that call saying YOUR HIRED!!
I hope these suggestions are helpful for you.