Hi everyone... I am so excited and I have to tell someone! I applied to a job at Peacehealth about a month ago and it is like a dream job for me! I was disappointed when the listing was taken off their website and no call came. Well today the call came! I have 2 interviews next week! I am so excited and nervous!
I dont know what to wear?
I dont know what to take?
I dont know what to say?
I have not been on an interview for over 10 years!!!!!!!
I could use any good vibes and advice any of ya'll have!
Thanks for listening and the positive thoughts and prayers!

Thank you so much... I can feel the vibes.
It is a human resources position. I am going to school now to get my business degree and want to work in human resources so this is ideal. It is also about $5 more an hour and the benefits are much better than I have now!
I am glad to hear you have a date and will try to make it to Kims this month. I dont know that I have anything going on that day... at least not now!
Thank you Linda...
Thanks for the advice on the clothes too... I am also not a panty hose girl... I have a job now where I can wear jeans and such so that will be a change! I am thinking a nice blouse and slacks...
Also there are 2 interviews.. not sure why.. on 2 different days so I have to find 2 outfits!!!
I am just so excited! I already told my boss at work and he is excited for me too so that makes me feel better.
Thanks again
Congratulations Tara. That is great!
If you are at the UO in the business school, they have an office to help students prepare for interviews!
The best advice I can give it practice ansering general interview questions, video tape yourself being asked the questions if possible. The camera adds similar stress as an interview does and will help. You can find general interview questions on the web very easily.
Also, remember that you are interviewing them just as much as they are interviewing you. Be sure to ask as many questions as you need.
Good luck and have fun!!