spit sputter and spat yuck ewww gross
ok today is a good morning, slept in my own bed all night 8 hours and worke up feeling a little sore but much better. I was so excited. made my proteen choco milk took my calcium and poped my chewable centrum vitiman. took one big bite before I figured out I had grabbed the old bottle of vitamins "not chewables" oh yuck
I spit and spat for ever. lol note to self put the old vitamins away for a while

You are too funny! I saw Dr. Jan yesterday and he had good things to say about me! Yippee! I still like him, lol!
Before you bother to put the old bottle away see what the expiration date is. They may be expired by the time you get around to taking them. You should see all of the expired stuff we manage to keep around our house for some stupid reason...