Surgery this Wednesday-28th
Hi Luv,
We talk almost daily and I was so excited to see you FINALLY post on here. I couldn't let it go without commenting back to you on here.
I have it all scheduled to come in and see you right after work on Wednesday. I won't stay long if you are tired but you know I can't stay away and not be there for you.
When you called me a couple nights ago, you sounded so happy and I could hear Cal in the was obvious you two were having the time of your lives and it was great "music" to hear.
Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow night......I really gotta get a whif of that laundry soap...that's all there is to it
so I'm expecting to smell it in the hospital.
You go are down to hours.
Here's to YOU

Thanks Dar,
Hey, how was the first day back at work? Lovin it? Hatin it?
Are you whiped out?
I read about alot of people who only took 3 days off for their bands. BUT, i deserve a break and have tons of sick time. So, I'll be out atleast til the end o next week.
See to tomorrow, clothes are working their way toward the front door.
luv Me
Hi Nan,
First day back was hectic and I'm sure it will be that way for a spell. It could have been worse and I will look to the positives.
Yes, I'm pretty tired but that's to be expected after a 10 hour day. I expect it will be that way all this week anyhow.
It was fun going to work and hearing all the positives from my co-workers...some were so kind to say the sweetest things to me....and said with much sincerety.....
I feel like I have a new lease on life and for that I am forever grateful. My life is no longer in the zone of "A walking time bomb" YAHOO........
Thanks for being there for me every step of the way lady.....
YEAH NANCY!!! You are getting so close. I'm really excited for you. Call me as soon as you feel like walking around the hood! You would think that the weather would improve one of these days! I'm happy to hear that Cal is back. Cherish that good time while you have it. I watched the Oscars last night and cried through the whole thing. I was reminded of the weeks my sister was in the hospital with her terminal illness. She was a great movie buff and on Oscar Night we had a huge Oscar party in her hospital room. Champagne and snacks. We even decorated her room. My sister slept thru a lot of it but all her family and friends would wake her for the big categories and she would join the party. The next day we all had to go back to the reality of her situation but I cherish that wonderful special time we shared together on Oscar Night.
Take care and don't give that doctor a hard time. I'll be thinking of you. What time is surgery? I might try to sneak out of here Wednesday night for a visit if you are ok with that.
I just wanted to say how much i loved hearing about your life you know we all talk on here but its hard to get to personal. my thoughts are with you as you go in on wendsday dont worry it will be fine. I know my Al was nervious to and he dosent have the heavy load your Cal does. Lets face it we are all dying some of us earlier than others but all we can do is cherish and love each other and each day that God has seen fit to give us.
God bless you both on this journey