Had gastric on TUes the 20th
I am new to this just had surgery this past tues. was home by thursday. My problem is when I am trying to drink my 2 oz of protein an hr I am full and fell like getting sick. Yesterday almost got the required amount of protein but not quite there. Any suggestions? I have only gotten sick once and it was on water. But I am full.
I also had surgery on the 20th...I was at OHSU. Did someone tell you to do take in 2 oz of protein every hour. that seems like a lot. Really no one told me what to do so (or I just don't remember) I am kinda winging it. I thought though, that for the first couple of weeks the concentration was on healing and taking meds. I have been doing full liquids which could also start to include some protein shake. But I think if I had to try to put in 2 oz of something in every hour I would be tired and very full. problably throwing up.
Well then, you have done very well. I took a vitamin today that screwed up my whole day with vomitting and sweating and it was really bad. I hope your appointment with your dietition goes well but it sounds like you are doing really well to only have thrown up once....good. I, sadly, have not been able to get much in after the big bad vitamin so I will start again. Good luck to you... Did you have surgery near the oregon coast? That's great if they are offering it there!
I had my surgery on the 16th and had trouble at first to. Dr told me just worry about staying hydriated. so for a few days after i came home just had water crystal light, sugar free popcicles didnt add proteen for about 5 days and it was better by then. im on day 10 and feel pretty good when I eat now still pured foods of corse but can eat a couple of ounces an hour easy now.