Home from the hospital
Well, hello to all and thank you for your well wishes on my surgery. Everything went so smoothly. Surgery was on Tuesday morning and I was out on Thursday. My Doctor was great and my nurses were wonderful. I did have some trouble keeping my O2 sat up when I would walk around in the hallway so use your incentive spirometer every chance you get. I did barf my brains out on tuesday after surgery but I always do that after general anesthesia. I think that I still remained smiling through all of that!!!

robert for me it took 6 days, and it was pardon the expression jus****er with the gas, was that way for a few days and yesterday at 8 days I had the closest to normal I have ad in a while and it was still not normal. remember you are doing liquids they dont necessarly make a solid stool. but of corse if you ever feel unsure call the nurse
So, Kelly,
They said I am on full liquid diet.....have you started doing a protein drink in your diet yet? I had a bad "dumping" thing I am sure this morning with all of the things I was afraid of and I think it was caused from a chewable vitamin....it was a vitamin for post surgical gastric bypass patients but the first ingredient is sugar!!! Well, I won't be taking it again. Trying something else for a while. I think it took about 6 hours to feel better and I still feel a little yucky. Are you able to take all the meds?
now I am good on the vitamins but honestly I didnt start taking them for about 5 days. I just couldent imagine throwing up with all the pain I felt with just a caugh. I did start the proteen about day 5 or 6 once a day then and yesterday I got 2 servings in. but less soup. my favorate thing to eat right now is split pea soup blended and put thru the sive of corse. its warm lots of flavor and i can sip it like a drink. I had a bought of nausia the night I came home but was able to swallow and breath thru it so I never actually threw up. Whew!! now at day10 things are great eating about half cup of soup 2 times a day about cup of milk with proteen 2 times a day other than that its water, crystal light or sugar free popcicles. the sugar has not seemd to bother me the few times I ate something with it in it. which is proubly not a good thing., I had a cup of pudding and had no trouble but when I looked at the package I noticed my mom bought regular instead of sugar free i went to the sugar free just because I want to keep on track and not risk getting sick. oh yea today after 2 days with really no bowel movements i had a normal movement. so 10 days for me
Have you tried the Flinstone's Complete (with Iron)? THat's what Shannon recommended and I have been using those with no problems at all.
Regarding the bowel movements, it does take a few days usually, and if you use the stool softener (sorry to be gross) that Dr. O'Rourke put on your prescription list before bed, it does eventually work.
I think they said "sometimes bowels have a problem waking up after surgery" when I called and asked :P Oh, and they stressed walking and more water which did help.