nerves have set in
I'm from Eugene area, but wanted to say stick with this site and you'll get the support you need I'm sure. I'm a Mar. 30th DS surgery wannabe...I'll be asking for help from you soon! Keep reading the posts from folks that are loving their WLS life...focus on the positives is my advice (I'm trying to follow that myself!) and read the pre op suggestions. They are really inciteful-Chapstick being the #1 suggestion!
Best Wishes & let us know when you get home!
Lisa just try not to think about it to much. I just had mine at Good Sam a week ago friday
. but keep talking to us,, I wrote most every day from 3 days before. The liquid was hard the 1st day but got better after that, ate so many sugar free popcicles the top of my mouth was sore
but now im eating them like a pro
keep writing and busy soon you will be on the other end and just fine