im home
thanks for all the well wishes and prayers. as patty said i did stay the extra day and was so glad I did as Saturday seemed harder than friday. cryed alot and struggled with alot of pain. I was fine until lunch I ate the tomatoe soup they gave me for lunch. it was not a good thing for me. i was in alot of pain all afternoon. stopped eating again until sunday when I went home. I have had trouble passing the gas and have had much gas pain and nausia. I paniced last night when the nausia started called dr jan in tears I am doing everything I am told. , I have been walking and doing everything I am told. just a little rougher than i imagined. hubby got me some GasX strips and it helps to placeone on my tounge right after i eat seems to keep me from burbing so much. slept on the reclyner last night and hubby set me up with my crushed pre****t so i just added water and drank every 4 hours. my oldest daughter got up with me in the middle of the night helped me potty and clean up ( started my period in hosp) bad timming. so just taking it one day at a time right now. i will post with each 2 hour walk around the house as it helps me to move.
thanks guys yes it is good to be home. I like not having to push a botton for help and hope it comes soon, the staff at the hospital are great but they are overworked. pain is still kinda bad but today has been a better day all the way around. still not up much at one time but try to do more each time. I really do feel like I should be doing better and more than I am, I cant imagine flying home on a airplane like some people do after this, just getting to the bathroom and back seems like to much. geeze compared to what i have heard about others surgery I feel like a big baby. the funny thing is I am usually one of the quick recovers. havent been able to post as much as I wanted to but just wanted to touch basis with you guys. its nice to log on and have messages from you guys thanks so much. hoping to be having cottage cheese break fast with you all in a few weeks. just sticking with water , crystal light, and tryed 1 oz of broth this evening, so far so good, oh and ice chips are good to suck on,, and the gas X strips what a life saver, I would totally recomend having them on hand after surgery. I guess we are all different and recover differently I just keep thinking about kim walking around shopping in Vegas,,, oh man am I jelious LOL its kinda weard when it settles in that I really did it,, I am really on the other end,,
talk to you guys lator
Welcome home
Yeah, the gas sucks, no question, just keep walking :P (ducks kelly's flying fist hehe)
Sounds like you have lots of support and oh, do I hear you about the period thing! I was mortified, but the nurse said about 25% of women have the same thing happen strangely enough.
My favorite things were sf jello and once on full liquid sf pudding... mix in a bit of your protein powder and there you go... protein popsicles aren't bad either... I had a harder time with broth strangely, made me more gassy.
Yell if you need us, whine if you need to
That's what we are here for.