What a great get together
Kim, I for one had a wonderful time!!! I met many new friends and learned alot! I cant wait for the next get together. The bracelet idea sounds great! I loved all the good food that we had and it was so very kind of you to put this all together and to offer your home again for the next meeting, maybe with everyone finding out about it and finding out how much fun we had that they will try to make the next one. I got out with two really nice blouses! The clothing exchange was a great idea as well.
Thank you again

Kim, I enjoyed seeing all of you friends today. Wish I could have come sooner, as I feel I didn't get to talk enough!! Also, too late for clothes my size! Oh well. I am glad the coat fit and hope you enjoy it. I didn't get there in time to discuss the craft bracelet but sounds interesting if someone shows me exactly what to do! I sew, but crafts are not something I do a lot of. To those of you I missed, maybe next month I will see you guys!
Everyone is right about Kim and her family, they are great. You are lucky Kim, to have such a great bunch of guys!!

Hi Group!
this sounds like you guys are having alot of fun! I am in Lebanon am I close enough to join you guys sometime? You can see my post on this board, I just got my surgery date! March 7th, check out my other post. Let me know what you guys are talking about it sounds like you are having way too much fun.
Christina in Lebanon
Hi Christina, Congrats on your date. It is normal to have a lot of emotions but you are on your way soon. The losers bench is waiting for you. We would love to have you at our get togethers. I come from Roseburg as do a couple of other ladies and the rest are from the Eugene/Springfield area. This past Saturday was our second get together and they have been so much fun. We have met each other face to face and have made new friends. Last Saturday we had a clothing exchange, tried different foods we could have. I am about 10 1/2 months out, some are new post ops and some pre-ops, some several years out and some a few months out. It is fun sharing. Julia
Hi Christina,
It would be great to have you join us sometime. I think we are going to be doing the third Saturday of each month at around noon. We are meeting at my apartment complex rec room. We get together once a month to visit and see how we are all doing and do a clothing exchange. We are also going to be doing some crafting during meetings to come. Our group is open to anyone who would like to come.
Congratulations on your surgery date, how exciting!!
Our next meeting will be Saturday, March 17th. If you feel like coming, let me know and I will get directions to you and further info. Just send me a private message.
Thank you and the boys for putting the meeting together. Even though I'm not one of the girls I had a good time anyway. Bobbie said she enjoyed it as well.
The food idea was great. Maybe we can do that again also.
I don't think I will do any beeding but will try to make the all the meeting anyway.
Thanks again
Hi Randy,
I probably won't do the beading either but I will still attend. I already have medical alert items on order (I'm always thinking ahead too much for my own good sometimes ha!) but it won't stop me from the social aspect of these gatherings. Aren't they great?! I just love attending them. These folks are some of the nicest people I have ever encountered and I look forward to reuniting with all of you in the near future again.