What a great get together
I hope everyone who made it had as good of a time as I did. It was so great to see everyone again. I think most everyone made it out with at least one or two outfits. I think I hit the motherload ... I must be the most popular size right now.
The rec room was the perfect place to meet ... lots of room for everyone to mix and mingle.
Lisa suggested maybe doing a craft next time or one of the coming meetings to make medic alert bracelets. Here is the link to order yours if you want to do this craft. http://www.medicalert.org/Home/HomeCatalog.aspx?Catalog=Standard
Lisa was thinking of beading a bracelet and attach the beading to the emblem. What do you guys think? Sounds like fun to me.
One more thing ... someone left a jar of Unjury and I am wondering if that was on purpose or accident? If someone is missing it and would like it back, please let me know.
Thank you to everyone who came today and we missed those of you who were not able to attend. We will see you next month for sure!!

Glad you enjoyed yourself, Linda. I am already looking forward to the next one. We should have a craft idea though for the next month as it will take time for everyone to get their bracelets, so we could plan something else for the March meeting and do the medic alert bracelets in April or May. I am open to any ideas ... I am not a very crafty person so need some help there.
Hi Kim,
Thank you again for all you did to pull this event together for all of us. You are your family are greatly appreciated. I think the medical alert bracelet idea is a great one, although I have not looked at the site yet but I will.
The Unjury was left by me. You may have it if you like. I have 2 containers more at home and intended to let someone have it if they wanted.
This social meeting was so full of sharing experiences, samples and ideas.
It was fun to see your 2nd interview too!!
I love the group and it's so fun to see the old friends and new people alike.
P.S. Please tell you hubby aka "slim" I gave him that nic name today, that I appreciate him allowing us to invade his family life all day today.

It was my pleasure, Darla. I enjoyed doing it. I am just glad most of us were able to get together today. My boys were such a big help to me setting up .. I never could have done it without them.
I will let "slim" know what you said.
Doesn't he look great? In my first few weeks postop, the weight was just melting off of him with no effort (of course I wasn't buying the junk food so that could have something to do with it). He went from a 36 to 38 inch waist down to a 32.
I enjoyed that pudding you made, Darla. I think I may try doing that with some other pudding I have in the cupboard. I was surprised how good it was. That is just too bad that you are so sensitive to "sugar free."
I cannot remember if you were there yet when I found out that the docs up in Portland want to put our support group info on their newsletter. Shirley is going to give them my email address and I am going to have Andrew do a web site for us. I am also going to check with OH about having them sponsor a support group for us as I have noticed that they do that. I just need to get more info on it.

Wayyyy cool about the Portland Docs and interested in our support group...I think that's a good thing right?
Glad you liked the pudding. I only used 1 scoop of the Unjury but you can try 2 it may work out just fine if you want more protein in it anyway.
My David is losing weight too (5 lbs in my first 3 weeks post op and just because I'm cooking differently)......these guys of ours, they are NO DUMMIES LOL they get all the food and learn from our experiences......smart, smart men. Honestly speaking, it's wonderful to have our men be so supportive. David would have joined us today but he works on Saturdays. He's always interested to hear what I learned and to talk with me as much as I want about this entire journey.
You have such a wonderful and helpful family!!!!!
I have been looking at the medical alert bracelets and it appears they come to us engraved so I'm not sure what the craft in that would be??? (slow here sometimes
Im not crafty either but I know Lisa has a huge hobby of crafts...she is very good at them. I have bought some things from her. My table is "dressed" in her creativity. Thank you Lisa!

Sometimes I wonder if our guys would starve to death if we went on cooking strike.
The crafting would come into play with making a bracelet out of beads to attach to the pendant. Basically we would take off the metal one that it comes with and make a pretty beaded one (with Lisa's help, of course). Too bad David works on Saturdays ... I would love to meet him. Does he work on Tuesday evenings too? Just curious cause I've not seen him at the support group meetings either.

He works until 5:30 - 6 PM each day so by the time he would show up at the support meeting, we would be about ready to end. I don't ask him to do that since he works such long days but he's always egar to hear what happened and discuss it all with me. A few got to meet him at the hospital, it seems every time I woke up, there he was. He kept leaving his job to come check on me....he is so sweet.
He attended the first seminar with me. He looked so tired when he arrived, greasy hands and all (which he never does in public) but told me he didn't want me to go through this without him.
We are shopping for wedding rings and I'm guessing we will be married sometime this year. I'm hoping to introduce him to all of you as soon as it can work out. Maybe at one of those "evening" events we talked about sometime....who knows, but I know he's open to meeting my friends for sure.
His days off are Sundays and sometimes Mondays since they ask him to work on Monday's quite a bit of the time.