Head count for Saturday
Kim, as you know I won't be there until around 2:15 to 2:30 and I hope some people will still be there. I will bring you the coat to try anyway. Hey--try to steel some of Darla M's pants and jeans, size 18 for me---I could use them NOW. Can't seem to find anything cheap in that size. I doesn't seem to matter what size I am, if I am looking cheap--they are hard to find. I may have to spend a little more and then give them away too!!
A friend from Roseburg is coming up too. Her name is Christine. I have given her the directions to your place and your phone number and I know you will all make her welcome. She is just a few months out. Julia

Hi Kim,
I'm planning on being there too for a bit. I have quite a few clothing items (more on the dressy side) mostly size 18.
I was going to bring those cheese chips but the last batch literally "flopped" so I'm afraid to bring them now. What else do you need? I don't have a protein drink to bring but I do have a container of Unjury that people might like to try. Unsure what to mix it with...any suggestions? I bought 3 containers of unjury but have used very little of it since I found my protein drink of choice that I'm almost out of and will need to reorder online soon. Please let me know.
Thank you.