Sleep Study # 2 scheduled
Good for you for getting this taken care of Bil. You'll probably feel so much better getting to breathe at night. And, I've heard the second visit doesn't involve any electrodes!
My friend Ellen told me though, that if they put a mask on you that covers your nose and mouth, don't try to talk while the machine is on. The pressure will freak you out.

Hey Bill, you do get use to talking with the nasal mask or the nasal pillows. I can talk well but boy the first time they put it on, I paniced as they had forgotten to check the pressure and it was too high. I have told my husband that I now kind of like having air blown up my
Hopefully you will be able to get rid of the C-Pap after you lose some weight but I have lost 124 pounds and haven't been able to yet. Of course I was diagnosed originally when I was only 10 pounds heavier than I am now, so there is hope for me yet. Some people actually lose weight when they start C-Pap because you suddenly find energy to move where you were just too tired to do so before. That was not the case with me----losing weight that is, but I really think I would be dead by now if I had not gotten on C-Pap when I did, 8 years ago. Falling asleep at the wheel, stroke, heart attack---were all ahead for me. It was a life saver that I have been happy to use. It would be nice to get rid of it though---it really messes up the hair!

I've been on a cpap machine for quite some time now. It will help you get a good nights sleep.
If you have just the over the nose mask, and you open your mouth you will hiss and sound like the devils spawn and it is really hard to talk with it on.
The main problem I have found once I got use to wearing the mask was what to do with what I call my elephant nose, the hose that connects the mask to the machine.
That one is still up in the air after all these years.
I use to flip and flop all over the place, trearing up the bed every night. After I got my cpap machine I go to sleep on my back and don't seem to move all night. All thing considered it comes out positive and worth the small discomforts
Good Luck with it.
Good luck, Bill! I had my sleep studies done in December and found out I have sleep apnea, too. I use the CPAP now and it has made a HUGE difference. It took some getting used to, but I'm able to wear it all night long now. It's really unbelievable how much better I feel with it. Also, they gave me a chinstrap to keep my mouth closed, which has helped a lot.
Keep us updated!
I hope your first CPAP experience is as good as mine was! I've been on a CPAP for nearly 2 years and it has made all the difference in the world for me. I had full electrodes the 2nd sleep study and actually fell asleep with the CPAP/mask on watching the SCIFI channel while the tech was hooking up the other patient who came in the hour after I did. The problems I have now with the CPAP are preparing the orientation of my body before I fall asleep so that I wake up with as little stiffness as possible. And by stiffness, I mean my body doesn't move at all for 8 hours (this is good!). Good luck! Mike