3 days to go
Debra and Kelly, Sometimes I think we fight so hard to get to the point you are at and when you finally have the date, it is like you are all worn out from the fight to get this far. After your surgery I would venture to say, you will have a lot of fun. At least after the original recovery and that wasn't too bad. Heck, I didn't have to get up and go to work each day for a while! That was good and losing weight was very fun and still is. Good luck to both of you. Julia
Good luck tomorrow
You are going to do great.
Don't feel bad about being emotional, I honestly think we all are. Like Julia said, we fight so hard to get to this point...
I was freaking my husband out by making a will, getting all my life insurance information together and explaining where all the paperwork was!!! So don't feel bad about anything, if you weren't a little emotional and scared, it would be way odder :P
So, try to relax, and we will see you on the loser's bench