3 days to go
Well its 3 days to surgery and I have to do liquids for the next 3 days. Its 9 am on the first day and I feel like I am going to be sick.
I don't know if it's physical or emotional.I had a cup of coffee, a proteen drink with water (yuck) and a cup of chicken broth hoping it will get me thru to lunch time. I am nauseous shaky and cant focus. I am at work and wish like hell I could just sit with a friend and pour my heart out and cry. My boss can see it in my face my fear and anxiety. He walked in a room I was in trying to remember what I was going to do, walked out and walked back in to hug me and tell me he knows I am having a hard time and just relax, he said he appreciates me being here and knows that I will be out of focus and that is ok. He hugged me for about 2 minutes it felt so good I didn't want to let go. He is the first person to actually hug me and care for me with physical touch. The tears wanted to come but it's just on a good place to fall apart. I am starting to feel alone with this. My husband is very supportive but hasn't taken the time to tend to me. I hope I can get thru this gracefully. I am so stinking emotionally attached to food. I just want to eat

Aw Kelly! I wish I could be there to give you a great big hug too.
I'm so glad your boss is understanding. What hell it would be if he didn't. When you get home, tell your husband you need a hug. He might be a little freaked out by all of this and not really know what to do. Sometimes, you just have to tell them! Hang in there.

Linda you are a sweety.
yea I know all I have to do is ask funny thing I didnt know how much I needed it until Mike huged me. I have been so focused on taking care of everyone and everything untill he put his arms around me i just didnt know how much I needed it.
its lunch time and I am feeling a little bit better drinking sugar free apple cider now and going home for a cup of soup and a nap
Hi Kelly!
I remember those 3 days!!! The first day is the hardest and then the second and third were surprisingly easier for me. I ate a lot of sugar free jello! I also drank chicken broth and Snapple.
You can do this Kelly ... it will be so worth it and soon you will be looking back on these 3 days and be thankful for doing it. I know it's hard but you can do it! I have faith in you!
On the brighter side ... only 3 days til your surgery!!!!! Wow!

Congratulations on making it through your first day of clears. 2 more days? My surgery is on Tuesday and I am also very tearfull and I am also quiet!!! Weird for me...I guess I have waiting so long for the opportunity to have this surgery and now I am so full of emotion that I can't get it together. I don't have to do clears for 3 days though...It would probably give me something to focus on!!!
you lucky duck, I could focus quite fine with food in my tummy
Today was much better tummy growly but I ate about 10 sugar free popcicles.
one more day. mother in law will be here tomarrow. been doing lots extra at work in case something happens. Funny but alot of what I do no one else knows how to do it. found my self writing a manual on how to run the office, still lots to write down.
just heated up spegetti for hubby... ohhh I want some
The big baby Kelly