Sleep study over,goodmorning
Well it was an interesting night ,for sure. I arrived at 8 P. Went to my eoom and sat in a chair ,while the attentant measured my head and made marks all over it and my face then he eanded the areas lightly and then brought out the glue and did it ever stink WOW!! so he got all the wires glued on and he had me watch a information film. I just laid on the bed to watch it. then I watched a movie of Dracula and had a snack and pop,no caffine, Sierra Mist. After the movie it was about 10:20 so I was told it was bed time and I got into bed and he hooked the wires to the headboard and adjusted them and I was off to la la land. I tossed and turned all night and got up a few times to potty. the attendent would come out of his room when I would call him and unhook me so I could make my little trip. He was watching two of us thru the night. A camera records you sleeping and there is a microphone above your head ,I woke up at 7:20, then he removed all the wires, he sprayed some glue release on them and they came right off,but did leave some goopy stuff there that I washed off with the wash cloth.Then I dressed and came home .So that wasn't bad at all. He said I did good and he didn't think I had sleep apnea ,and the Doc would get a report in about a week. So now I wait for the trip to Portland on March 1st for the Dieticen and blood work and exam.
Jo Ann
I had my sleep study 7 or 8 years ago. Everything sounds about the same as back then. The Tech guy told me the same thing, but when I met with the Doc he told me that I had sleep apnea and that it was pretty bad so they put me on a cpap machine. I've been on it ever since. If you have to use one you get used to it and you will feel bertter from the more restful sleep.
After surgery and some weight loss most people are able to get rid of the cpap. I am looking forward to that!
Good luck with the rest of your testing and appointments