First appointments with OHSU
I had my first 2 appointments with OHSU on Friday. I had done the sleep study the night before, so I had them wake me up at 5:30 and then I had to get home to get the family and we were off to Portland.
My first appointment was with the Nutritionist, Shannon Rentz. In the orientation meeting I though she seemed a liitle aloof, but after meeting with her, she is amazing. She knows her stuff, there is no sense that she expects people to know everything, but also didn't treat me like a 3 year old who knows nothing. She spoke to me like a person, and I liked that. We had a great conversation for about 60 minutes. We talked about my goals, my background, my likes, my dislikes. We talked about good books to read, where to go to get more information, etc. I left that meeting with what seemed like more than 60 minutes of information.
I then went and met with Susan Fee. Also a really nice and caring person. Once again it was more of a conversation on where I was wanting to go, what my goals are, and my history. I also was weighed, and that is never fun, but it is now starting. I have a starting weight, and now I can go down from here.
We talked about the timeline, and it is a little longer than I expected, but it will work. It may be 8-12 weeks until my surgery, but that is ok. I knew I probably couldn't get spring break so I may have to wait until after graduation (I work at the UO). I would have liked to have it done earlier, but it is my fault I didn't start earlier so I can only blame myself.
So, a couple more tests (blood workup) to be done here in Eugene, maybe another physical (can't remember when my last one was), finish my sleep study, meet with the psychologist, meet with one of the surgeons, and then, I'm ready to go.

Thanks for all the info Bil. I was wondering how it would all go. I figured it would be at least May before the surgery. That will probably work out better for my department too. My boss is worried about my being gone. He's new, so still under the delusion that he can't live without me!
One question -- did they weigh you with your clothes on or do you have to get in a gown and have an exam while you're there? I'm anxious to get losing, but I am right at a BMI of 40 and they told me not to lose before I get there. I'd hate to be half a pound underweight, but I sure don't want to gain more before I get up there.
Hi Linda,
I've been going through the OHSU process for over a month now and have just completed all the requirements. They did weigh me at that first visit with clothes on, and I was wearing heavy boots that day. At first I wanted to take them off, but then I figured it would help because we have to lose 15 lbs before surgery, and it counts from that first weigh-in!
Hi Bil,
Well now it's really happening. CONGRATULATIONS!! This surgery has given me a new lease on life. I have not felt this good since I can't remember when. I'm only 17 days post op and off of almost all medications. I was taking 5 prescriptions and now I'm down to two and if I really wanted to, I could buy allergy meds over the counter but that would be more costly than getting the prescriptions.
You have so much to look forward to and it is obvious you are well on your way in the process now.
Best to you in the short time ahead leading up to your surgery date

I just want to give you a quick word of warning about OHSU. In August I was told 6 to 8 weeks before surgery, I still haven't had mine. They give you one appt at a time and it is 6 - 8 week waiting period for the appts. I got laid off from my job and lost my insurance this month. Guess what, Now I have no coverage and am still waiting for all my test to be done. STAY on top of them my friend.
I am now looking at having my surgery done with a Dr. in Coos Bay, because I am now going to have to be self pay.