6 days to go
Today is Saturday and by this time next week I will be post op. It has been a really rough week for me. Most of you know what I am going thru with my daughter My son who is 18 moved out on Wendsday. Its a good thing he will be fine but wow did it hit me hard.
Wasent until that night when I did my ususal head count before I locked up for bed that it hit me. and by friday i was teary
all day. Had my presurgery class on Wendsday and blood work, every thing seems to be a go. My house is its usual saturday mess because no time to clean all week and I need to get ready to be gone clean and shop. My mother in law called last night talked to Al asked if she can spend the night on Thursday as they are going to chicago to see a very old aunt that is not doing well. guess they are flying out from portland and they live in Klamath Falls. I have to be at the hospital on friday AM. He asked me but I felt cornered and said I didnt care. I guess I do care wish I didnt have to take care of someone during this time. but maybe it will be a distraction. OMG I will have to get the empty room clean and get a bed in there
wonder if I can get this all done. guess I will try to enlist some help
my 14 year old is at her dads she is my best help.
Wow I cant belive im almost there. wish I had time to have breakfast with you guys I am soooo nervious,
hey can I have coffee the 3 days before surgery?
its going to be hart to work monday thru thuraday with no coffee
I may loose it

Hi Kelly, girl you are in a dither, for sure . Calm down and breath, talk about juggeling. Now we'll have to call you super women. When I need help I grab the highschool guys on the block and there happy to give a hand. Its is something to be nervous
about having the surgery in just a few days for sure. I was just nervous getting a call to start my appt . Hang in there and if I can help e-mail me . Jo Ann S.