Me again ....
Well it looks like I may very well have either the beginning of a stricture or at least a narrowed opening to my stoma. I have to go tomorrow morning for an upper GI to see what that says. If so, then I guess I will have to go in for the EGD scope to get my stoma widened out again. I am tired of tests already!! I heal up from the gallbladder and now here we go again.
This is so not fun, but at least Dr. Gorrin was real nice. He said, well, we have never had one of these yet in our practice, but I guess there is always a first. Yep, I get to be the first. He said they've never even had to test for a stricture. Why me?? I sure hope this is going to be the last "complication". At least I am in good spirits and trrying to laugh it off!!
Say some prayers for me tomorrow please.
Oh Kim, I wondered how you were feeling today. I'm so sorry this happened to you. Hopefully, it will be easy to give it a little stretch and it won't involve more cutting!! I'm glad you're in good spirits. Take care and let us know how you do.
BTW, how do they do the upper GI? Have you drink a thimble full of that awful chalky stuff?
Thanks, Linda. No more cutting should be necessary, just a scope to stretch it if need be. The upper GI now that I am dreading. I had one about 15 years ago and that chalky stuff made me gag!! I am so not looking forward to that. We'll see, hopefully they have improved the taste in the last 15 years. I do believe it is more than a thimble full, however.
I think Dr. Gorrin will get the results right away so we can decide what we need to do, if anything. I will keep everyone posted.

Hey there, Tara,
Yes, I did post to the main board and I thought I had posted here too but maybe I dreamt that.
Anyway, since Tuesday mid-day, everything I eat or drink sits hard in my pouch and doesn't pass thru very fast. I have to force myself to eat and drink. Each sip of water I drink is misery. I feel as though I have gone out to an all you can eat buffet and ate 2 plates too many ... almost all day long. So, each sip of fluid I take is real hard to swallow knowing that my tummy will be feeling more full again.
Our docs have never had a patient with a stricture before, so it will be interesting to find out whats going on with it.
I will definitely keep everyone posted.
Here are the links to the main board where I posted asking about it.,4856/cat_id,4456/topic_id,3213726/a,messageboa

Kim, I am so sorry to hear you are again, having a problem.
Good luck tomorrow with the upper G.I. I think they have changed the taste of the stuff you have to drink. Just make sure you drink it slow. I know, from experience, that those x-ray techs want to move you in and out quickly. I had two CT scans in the hospital when I had surgery as they thought I had a leak. I didn't. Those techs were o.k. with it because they were familiar with the procedure. Then for the first three months I had a recurring infection where my drain had been, and had two more CT scans which only showed the infection, again no leak. Anyway the surgeon wrote on the order, that I was to drink the stuff slowly and I told the receptionist that too, but somehow the tech didn't know and was kind of upset that I just could not chug a lug it. He said no one had told him that! I told him that maybe he needed to go read the Surgeons orders. Quieted him down and I took extra time drinking that stuff cause he made me mad. That probably won't happen there because they should be use to the RNY surgery needs but in Roseburg they don't do the surgery so utter ignorance!!!
I was in Eugene yesterday to get my hair done, so I drove out to see where the big event next week is going to happen on 30 street. Easy to find. I did not have time to look you up but you probably weren't feeling like company if you were at home even. Hope to see you next week and you will be all better. Julia

Thanks for the great advise, Julia. I will definitely remember to drink it slowly. I hope our techs here are familiar enough with WLS surgery too but I'm not sure ... I guess our docs have never had a stricture before and have never had to look for one.
I guess I am the first.
I am sure I will be fine by the 17th. I am looking forward to seeing everyone as well. It should be lots of fun.

Hi Kim,
Well, that is a bummer for sure. At least it won't be another operation and I'm awfully sorry to hear you have to go through this. I recently met another lady here in that was experiencing the same thing and she was giong in to have hers stretched as well, so please know that you are not alone.
My prayers and best wishes are with you.