Update on my interview airing on Sunday
Drats!!! I have been doing great, however, when about 9 PM hits I have to go to bed since my energy is gone by that time lately. Very sorry that I missed it but so happy you are willing to post it to your site when you can. I know you will let us know when it's on there.
I appreciate all the sharing you do Kim. Your one heck of a lady

I am Silly that's for sure
I will try to do that on Sunday but my body has really taken over, I'm an early to bed early to riser......
It's funny how I use to be able to stay up late...even with a nap, it's like 9 PM and I'm out like a light.......strange.
But...............I know you will post it when you can even if I do miss it.

You just crack me up. I am a late to bed person, if you consider 11 late, and then late riser, at least 8 a.m., longer if I can get away with it. lol
Yes, of course, I will post it. This time we are going to TIVO it and my Andrew can record it off of the TIVO and put it onto a DVD and then put it onto my blog, so hopefully early next week, maybe even at midnight Sunday night it will be on my blog. lol
Does no one have TIVO around here?
Sheesh, just TIVO it!
I've seen the promo with you in it TWICE now Kim!
I won't miss it, even if I get sleepy the TIVO will get it for me and I'll watch it the next morning
This is very exciting! I keep pointing at you and telling my husband "Thats my new friend!!"