Gallbladder or Scramps?
Hi all,
I'm 8 months post op and I ended up in the emergency room last night with what I can only describe as the worst pain I've ever had in my lift in the upper torso. It felt as if my ribs and sternum were going to explode while a vice was wrapped around my entire torso area.
All was ruled out except gallbladder and what some call Scramps. I'm having the gallbladder ultrasound tomorrow so I'll know more later in the week.
Question, any of you out there experience Scramps (the phenomena of extreme muscle Spasms and cramping in the upper torso or legs) If so, what kind of treatment did you receive?
Or any of you have a perfectly healthy gallbladder before surgery and have it go south on you after surgery?
Gee Jennifer, That pain must have been awful, you poor thing. I haven't had surgery yet, but I have had my gallbladder out for a long time now. Ask your Doc if it would be ok to stop using reguar salt and start using sea salt it has magnisium ,I believe maybe that would keep the muscel spasams away. Good luck to you. Jo Ann

Hi Jennifer,
Good luck to you. I, too, experienced this same pain and I wound up having a very large gallstone that was blocking off the bile duct. I was 2 months out from RNY when I was back in the OR for the gallstone. I am feeling much better now and glad the gallbladder is gone. I am told that because of the size of the stone, I propbably had it preop but never had any symptoms. I had my gallbladder out on 1/12/07, again, almost 2 months out from RNY so it is very possible for the gallbladder to go "south" after WLS.
I wish you luck. Please let us know about the results when you have them.
Hi, there!! My money is on the Gall Bladder. I had mine out last week.... only 3 weeks after my Lap RNY. If you have any stones in there, push to get your GB removed, as the attacks will only get worse. I'm still real sore from the surgery, but nothing like the pain from the stones. Best of luck to you!
Jana (Lap RNY 1-3-07)
Thanks to all for your encouragement and information. I had the test this morning and I'm no doctor, but it looked like a pretty big stone in there to me when looking at the monitor. They rushed the results, so my doc should have them by noon today. I'll update you all either later this afternoon or tomorrow with results.