NEW 2 year post op pics on profile
Hi Lisa,
Glad you liked the profile. I like to see the humor in life. I need to do another entry about the "dating wars"
I just read your profile. You are NEW to OH. This site is wonderful! You will meet some great people here. Can I make a couple of comments...
First, you were talking of your concern about food and how you relate to it after surgery....I come from a huge family of "foodies". We all try to top one another with our creations and my sister in law has been published in Bon Appetite! So, yes I know a thing or two about GOOD food.
Once you have the surgery you really won't be hungry for awhile--about 6 mo give or take. I have found that 2-3 bites of something wonderful is enough to satisfy now. I still eat pretty much like I did before, only of course in greatly reduced amounts. For instance I had chicken sesame for lunch. I ignored the rice and ate about 3/4 C of chicken and veggies. I brought home enough for 2 more meals for me. After the frist few months you can still go out, but you might choose to have a few bites from your husband's otherwords you will have become a "cheap date" LOL.
I'm still having trouble adjusting my grocery shopping buying. I buy too much and throw a lot out. Not good, but I'm getting there.
I too have a cook book collection large enough to take up half a huge book case and I still love to read recipes as a hobby. I can "taste" them without making them.
I was a vocal music major at one point as well. Now when I get frustrated I sing new favorite....go to the gym and sweat it out!!! The endorphins kick in and I feel good again.
Welcome to OH...oh BTW, a bunch of us get together on a loose association every month or so--generally for breakfast. If you'd like to join us let me know. Don't have a new date set up at this time.

Trisha, thanks so much for your advice! It's encouraging to see that your post-surgery experience with food has been positive. I like the idea of still reading cookbooks and tasting delicious food, but not pigging out and obsessing on it like I do now.
And by the way, I'm so impressed that your beautiful hair is a wig! I never would have guessed! I think I'll need to make a trip to Wigland. I've always loved the name of the place, now I will need to actually visit.
Yes, of course I'd love to join the breakfast meetings! Count me in!
Thanks everyone, for welcoming me to the site. It feels wonderful to have so much support available.
Wow!!! What beautiful pictures! It's been a while since I've been on your profile so I hadn't seen your before surgery picture in a long time. The difference is truly amazing. Your just pulled together in all directions (hair, makeup, figure) looking so great!
I admit when I was a new pre-op I was partly worried partly excited I might have to wear a wig. I hardly lost any hair so the need didn't arise, but the research on line had gotten me kinda interested. At the price you paid it is quality that has everything to do with why it looks so great. Cheap wigs and cheap suits don't look so good.
Sometimes I go to McMinniville with my son (about every other month) and we ALWAYS find it necessary to eat at the Tequilia Grill. Next time I will give you a shout out - maybe you can join us.