Cerebral psuedo tumor
Cerebral psuedo tumorm ok this is my daughter diagnosis. Ill write more about it tomarrow im so tired i am going to bed.
it has a obesity element to it, isnt that something
thanks guys for all the support and kind words I wish I had the strength to write each one of you but I will tomarrow,,
god bless
Hi Kelly,
I was diagnosed with this is 2002. I had a spinal tap to remove some of the spinal fluid one time and it really seemed to help. But after that one time, I took meds every day (at least I was supposed to) but it made me having tingling sensations in my feet & hands and made my carbonated beverages taste like metal.
Just before surgery, Dr. Read contacted my neurologist and they agreed that I could discontinue the meds. And I was told that weight loss would cure the psuedo tumor.
The real concern with psuedo tumor is that if there is pressure building behind the eyes, it can cause a loss of vision. However if your daughter follows the treatment plan, it should all go fine.
The term "Cerebral psuedo tumor" is really a scary term, but keep in mind that psuedo means false. It gives the impression of having a tumor, but it is really an abundance of spinal fluid that causes pressure.
If you have any questions for me, let me know.
My prayers are with you, your daughter and your entire family.
she is struggling still i guess it will take a while before the meds get dialed in, we saw the neurologist yesterday it is pretty serious but hopefully we can get it under control and she can try to start loosing weight,
thanks guys for all the support, I want to write more but honestly just to tired and cant seem to get how i am feeling in my fingers to type,,
My docs keep thinking this is what I have but, after having my eyeballs ultrasounded at OHSU's Casey Eye Institute, it appears that I don't or it isn't bad enough yet.
It is scary but if detected early fairly easy to treat.
I just hope she doesn't get a lot of headaches from it. I know some people do.
Don't forget to take care of yourself, either, missy!