looking for a post op obgyn
Hello all! I am looking for an OBGYN in the salem/silverton area who is familiar with gastric bypass patients and special needs during pregnancy and childbirth. I am 15 mos post op, down 240 lbs and my husband and i want to have one more baby before i start the plastic surgery process. My original OB said he take me but Id rather have someone familiar with my dietary needs and restrictions. Anyone have any suggestions?
Hi Bridget,
I just had a baby in September and my ob didn't have experience with gastric bypass but she was great... she's not around here though sorry... anyway, my point is you should be fine sticking with your normal ob. They will probably send you to a perinatologist if you are considered high risk... otherwise your gastric bypass will have little or no bearing on your pregnancy. Mine didn't have any complications or anything connected with my surgery. The only difference is if you have an intolorance for sugar you may not be able to do the blood glucose test... stick with your normal dietary needs and just eat the best you can and eat more often during the day. Take your prenatals and just enjoy being pregnant.
good luck!