tough week
Ok darn it Its time for a break for me
I have been in the ER 6 times in the last 3o day bewteen my kids and myself.
I have a 26 yr old daughter that has been having vision problems and headaches. her Dr just pushed it aside and gave her some motion sickness pills and told her she should get her eyes checked.
2 days lator ( yesterday) she goes in to have her eyes checked , they dialiate her eyes and she calls me to come get her and take her to the ER. Her optical nerve is swollen which is not good, after looking for a tumor in her head and finding nothing they did a spinal tap she has to much fluid in her spinal cord and around her brain. they drained some off and gave her some meds that will keep her body from making more spinal fluid. and sent her home with me. they are suppose to be calling to day to get her in to the neroligist right away and try to figure out why. I have to admitt I am worried.
also I am having abdimonial pains myself again. Its not like the diverticulitas but I seem to be plugged bloated. I am having surgery on the 16th come hell or high water
but I just wish life would slow down and let me deal with the surgery and preparing to be away from work and home.
Oh yea my mother in law is comming this weekend. Uggggg I just dont want to do this right now I feel soooo overwelmed. I could just sit down and cry :cry:

Hi Kelly, Stop and take a big deep breath!!! Your going to fine. I think you need to destress, you have had alot of things going on! Your daughter is in my prayers, I think she will be fine. That does not stop you from worring thou. Take some "you" time even if it's one a few minutes, it will help. Keep us informed ok CJ
Oh Kelly! I can imagine with all that stress your guts are knotting up. Are you taking any sort of fiber to help yourself out? You might try some Citrucel or Benefiber. Don't take Metamucil, as it will make you gassy and bloated. Then try to relax. Perhaps a cup of herbal tea? Camomile or Sleepy Time might help. You poor thing. I hope all works out for the best and there is a simple treatment for your daughter. Hope you're feeling better soon.
Hi Kelly,
Isn't this just the way life is sometimes....seem when it rains it pours. I once knew a lady that had a daughter with a similar problem as what you are describing here. She took her to Doernbechers Hospital (In Portland) for help. They have awesome doctors there and I lived there myself as a child when crippled from arthritis from the ages of 3-5 from Juvenille Rheumatoid Arthritis...they literally saved my life up there. Excellent docs there.........if you feel you need someone to take a closer look.
You will be able to put one foot in front of the other through all you have ahead but don't try to do it all alone OK? You need your friends and family to help you. We, as mothers, try to be SUPER MOM for our families and for ourselves. It's too stressful alone hon and it's OK to get someone to help out if it's overwhelming.
I'll keep you in my prayers.