Congrats Julia! I too have a small frame and got up to 221 lbs (rng size up to be #4) you give me hope that I may "come out" again one day. I sure felt better back then. I wore a size 5 clothes and now I'm in a solid 18...so sad. I doubt I will get back to a size 5, can't even imagine it not sure it would even look good with me at age 47 but I would love to see size 7 again. Small frames don't need all this excess weight and you know that first hand.
You have done so well; keep up the great work. Those WOW moments just don't stop do they? What an inspiration.
Can you tell I was on the pain meds again? LOL I was trying to say that my ring size use to be a size 4...there....better now. Thanks for putting up with my poor typing. I have gone back and read so many I have posted since surgery on Wednesday and I can see so many errors.......drugs....they sure show LOL
Ha ha.....no race on my part. I will encourage you however
I'm 5'4" just so you are aware. I think you are taller than me too, who isn't? LOL (I have said that for years on end) I know many shorter but it doesn't seem like they are to me
Don't know what I will even look like all these years later since I've been thin. Yesterday I took my first walk and my daughter commented that she can already see that I am starting to lose weight. She is size 7 and now wants to follow the diet I'm on can you imagine? I would love to be where she is as the end result for me. Guess it just goes to show you how hard we women are on ourselves.
One thing I think I will personally try to work on, maintenance being the first, is to learn to accept my body image and be satisfied with it by the time I am slowing down in my weight loss. Now that sounds like a plan to me!

That we can you BET!!! I won't race because everyone's body is different and wouldn't want to ever get anyone discouraged...but encouragement.....well, I think I will legally change my middle name to that one. I want to give it and I know I will need it too. sure appreciate it.
Well, I need to come straight about my height....see I told you, everyone seems taller than me and you thought you were too.....LOL
I am actually 5'4" on a HIGH HAIR
day for me. Truth be known, I'm about 5'3 1/2" so you do have a little height on me. Doesn't almost everybody?
Always a pleasure chatting with you Julia
Have an awesome day today and happy sticking to the program....I know you can do it and get that little again. You go girl!!