Hey Darla, You're home. I tried to call you guys yesterday but had problems, the operator gave me the wrong number and I ended up getting something called "The Duck Yellow Pages" They had not heard of either you or Jennifer---imagine!!
I worked late last night, unfortunetly, so did not call you when I got home. Today I tried to call both of you at around 12:30 but no answer. I bet you were leaving about then. Congrats on getting to the losers bench and now rest,
etc. Julia

Hi Karene, I weigh daily as I want to pay attention and be on top of any weight gain as it occurs. In the beginning it was more fun as there was always a loss but now that the losing is slowing down, it fluctuates a little from day to day. I only count the total lost per week but still watch it daily. I have had a bad habit in the past, before surgery, of thinking oh well I'll take care of it tomorrow or next week and before I know it the gain is out of control. I think I will always weight daily and in doing so, remember how far I have come and not get complacent about it. I know others don't do this but each of us must find what works for us and I know weighing weekly or monthly in the past has not worked for me. Call it obsessive it you want but that is what I am gonna to do!
Congrats on your weight loss. Keep it up. You look good. I do agree that, unless you have been through this, you will never understand. Your family and friends can only THINK they know what you have been through and are going through. Hang in here, as we are a fun and helpful group, sometimes crazy
but most always helpfull.