OK Sunday it is !!!!!
any Ideas of a resturant? we need a big round table or something
Where is Fabric Dept? maybe we can get close to it for you ladys. I to am a sewer but I havent is so many years. ever sence I becam a full time working lady ,, just dont get around to it like I used to,, Plus I threw my surger at my ex husband when he told me he was having an affair with my a friend of our
broke it all up
I never did like that skinny &!tch
ok i feel better now lol
I know good resturants in gresham bit I am ignorant outside of my city limits

I don't know of restaurants that have round tables. That's the only thing. There is an IHOP in Milwaukie on McLoughlin that is pretty open, but I think they only have rectangle tables. I'm sure there are IHOP's all over. I think the design of Shari's is probably not as conducive to a larger group. Wonder how many would come?
Last time we had breakfast we sat at a long rectangular table and it was hard to visit with the people at the other end of the table so we started a joke about needing a rounnd table or playing musical chairs so everyone moved down one chair every 15 mins like that new one minite dating
any way we are moslty just goofing