I won't be there
I have my Retreads Motorcycle Planning Meeting in Coburg at that time and it is a VERY important meeting (all the fun rides are planned at this time for the summer!)
Guess I'll have to wait for the next one.......
Bunko is a lot of fun, I'll show you all how to play next time! I'll also make up some score sheets & bring some dice. It's a ton of fun, I just got tired of playing late, driving from Creswell back home to Harrisburg (home by 10pm) & up by 4am!! It was
only once a month, but got real exhausting! We didn't play for money like alot of groups do. We had a gift exchange ($5 limit) or brought things for the needy (food, clothes, cooking utensils, etc.) It was potluck & we at before playing.