Step two down!!
I went to my Internal medicine doctor this afterrnoon after going to the info session at OHSU last night. He thinks I do have sleep apnea and has made an appointment for me at the sleep center here. I gave him the letter from OHSU, asking for a letter and all the different blood work they need. He said he'd be happy to write the letter and said I'd had a lot of the blood work recently, but then sent me down to the lab for the last few necessary tests!! Now I just need to have medical records sent from my chiro, ortho, and my allergist, and I'm ready to rock and roll. Wow - from down in the dumps to on top of the world in the matter of one day! I'm very happy.

Thanks all. I'm going to fax my forms in today. My doc was pulling things together as I left, so I think they will be fairly quick to get everything up to OHSU. I'll take the release to my orthopedist when I go over to the hospital to see Darla and Jennifer tomorrow. I need a chiropractor appointment, especially after that drive to Portland
, so I'll take that form to him, and I should get an allergy injection tomorrow, so I can give them the form and get my asthma records sent up. I'm on a mission now!
I told my doctor about our on-line group yesterday and how we all got together for breakfast. He started laughing about how technology brings people so close, but thought it was just wonderful!