Weight Loss Stalled
Hey guys,
Ok, strange question for you, that at any other time in my life I would be laughing at myself for asking...
I am 2.5 weeks out from RNY, and down about 24 pounds... but my weight loss has been stalled for almost a week. Just going up and down the same pound.
Is this normal? Am I doing something wrong? I started soft foods this week, so my calories are up a bit, but i think the max I am getting is 500-600. I am working hard to get my liquids and protein in.
Suggestions, thoughts, all are welcome :P
Thank you so much,
Hi Michelle,
This is VERY normal from what I have read and actually experienced myself. I am 8 weeks out and have lost 50 pounds AND 27 inches. When I find that I have stalled, I measure and find that I am losing inches. Are you taking your measurements?
I know that for 2+ weeks, I gained and lost the same 3 pounds and was a bit frustrated but when I measured, I had lost several inches from my waist, hips, thighs, and bust. If you have not taken any measurements yet, I would do that soon and every week or two so you can track your progress. A true "stall" is where you don't lose weight or inches for several weeks.
As long as you are getting in your liquid and your protein, you will do fine. Most days I get all of my protein but I still struggle with the liquids.
I hope this helps.
Thanks so much Kim!
You were dead on, I am losing inches. I had measured myself about a week out, but hadn't done it recently b/c i wasn't losing pounds. Whew! You know the panic I am sure ... OMG did I ruin it already? Did I stretch my pouch? ... etc...
So, thank you, thank you, thank you.
I can't believe I go to see the surgeon for my three week check up already on Monday! Time definitely flies.
Hope everyone else is doing well.
Oh, and Kim, GRATS! 50 lbs plus that many inches is awesome!

Hi Michele, Just wanted to say your doing great! I read that you did measure and 20 inches is fantastic. Remember thou that your new body has to adjust from time to time and that there are lots of ways to tell with out scales and measuring--- like how do you feel, or are your clothes getting bigger etc... your on your way keep it up.
I have not heard anything from oshu about if my ins is approving anything yet. Terra at oshu said about 30 days, we will see. I still keep going back and forth on if I want surgery or not, I keep researching everything and keep talking with everyone about it but I dont think God will let me, if it the wrong thing for me.
It is good to see you back on oh. I keep an eye out for your messages. Have agreat day CJ