Breakfast fun
Jackie, We belong to an over 40s group too called UMCI which is a spin off of the retreads. (United Motor Cycles International) I cannot believe you and your husband are over 40! I do have my license to ride but I much prefer riding behind my husband and poking him in the ribs etc.! Now days we have an intercom which he thinks is nicer than punching him in the ribs!
Which surgery to choose is a delima but you need to decide what is best for you. I thought of the lap band I think, because I thought it was an easier surgery and less invasive. It is less invasive but I did not want to have to deal with getting the fills, and being a nurse, I just decided I did not want to deal with that inside around my stomach. I did not like the idea of having the mediport either. I don't know why I felt it was o.k for them to go inside and rearrange my intestines but not o.k. for them to put a band around my stomach. I think I felt that I would feel it was too temporary and that in my mind, the RNY was permanent. Your mind has a lot to do with your success! Good luck in your decision. Maybe you should write down what you like and dislike about both and compare your thoughts. Also when you talk to the surgeon, he may be able to help with what he thinks might work best for you.
Hi Jackie,
I loved the breakfast and sitting by the fire with you all was wonderful. This topic of WLS seems to be one that never grows boring. We did come up with some great ideas and not sure when or how it will come out. I am personally going in for surgery on Wednesday so not a whole heck of a lot I can do to help at this time.
As far as changing your mind, I have found myself where you are now. I have done MEGA research and I think when people get "banded" it is for 2 reasons. One reason is they feel it's a better choice since they can prevent from altering their insides OR the other is that they take medications that the RNY may not allow them to take if need be from the possibiliy of ulcers etc..... now I'm not saying ulcers can't happen with banded folks either but I know they can treat the ulcers in a more conventional way if a person is banded vs. RNY.
It's a tough call.....this is where I wish I had a crystal ball. This surgery is a hard enough decision let alone trying to decide the best one for us individually.
You will get there, just try to research and if you haven't done so already, you might want to pop over to the Lap Band Forum Message Board and ask them questions about how they made their decision. I have found I get more info from the ones that really have experienced things than any article I can find on the internet.
I have heard that many banded folks revise to RNY eventually but I can't honestly say why. I suspect the band is not forcing enough disipline but that's only a guess on my part.
Good luck and hope to see you around real soon.