Breakfast fun
Hi shawna... we are having a OH breakfast. basically all of us here have had or planning on having some kind of wieghtloss surgery and those of us that are from the eugene area are planning on having a breakfast at Elmers on Saturday at 8am. This will be the first time that we all meet but hope that it becomes a monthly meeting! All are welcome, as are families! Come join us if you would like!
Yikes Shawana---46 pounds is excellent weight lost in 2 months. I lost 34 pounds the first two months and at 9 months have lost 118.5 pounds. I will take that any time! I bet you never lost 23 pounds a month on any other diet. Congratulations your are doing wonderfully.
As for Elmers, as Tara said, we decided to meet each other at Elmers at the Gateway area restraunt monthly, starting this weekend on the 20th. I live in Roseburg and there are two others from here who plan to be there, if not this month then next month. We "talk" online and so thought it would be fun to meet in person. Please come and join us. Julia
Hi ladies,
I'm planning on being there too. Karlyn mention to me that she heard we are doing this and she was all smiles. I think this is an AWESOME idea and that we should strive to keep it going as one big happy family (with our family members for sure)
See you all at 8 AM.
Julia, thanks for the follow up on this.
My surgery date is this coming Wednesday, 1/24/07..........I'm almost there.
Hey Everyone!
Had a great time at the breakfast yesterday & especially the "chat by the fire" afterwards!!!
We came up with some great ideas for gathering (besides eating)
, a list should be sent out soon.
I'm looking forward to meeting more Oregon members in the coming months!
By the way, since I am new to the "Oregon" message board, I am married (15 1/2 yrs) to a wonderful man--Ole, no kids-just a great dog--Annie & cat--Spazz. We love to travel, ride our motorcycles all around this wonderful state of Oregon & hang out with great friends.
See ya all at the support meeting on Tuesday

I have a '03 Yamaha V-Star 650 & Ole has a '86 Honda Goldwing. I used to ride behind him for many years, then one day the gas prices started to skyrocket & I changed my mind about riding my own bike. I love it!! I still love riding with him (hubby, stereo rock'en, taking pictures, enjoying my sceanery, taking a nap if needed, etc.), but I also love riding my own bike. We are members of Oregon Retreads (members 40 & over) and go on some awesome rides.
I wish you could have stayed by the fire with us too! A few of us, just had too many questions to leave so soon...especially those of us who have not had surgery yet & seem to still go back & forth between rny & lap band. Everytime I speak to someone,
I change my mind! I NEED HELP...