I got my referral to the surgeon!
My case was reviewed yesterday at Kaiser and MaryLou just called to let me know everything looks good. They are going to refer me to one of the 3 surgeons. Whichever is available first. I am very excited! Now I just get to wait for Laura, the surgeon scheduler to call me to make an appt. I have to take my CPAP in to get checked to make sure it's working correctly as I have had it for over 4 yrs and never had it serviced.
So any suggestions about the surgeons at Kaiser?

Hi Sara, Congrats it sounds like your on your way. I have a c-pap machine also, but I was not told about servicing mine either when or how often are they needing done?
Sorry I dont have any help with the Kaisers surgerons If you can meet with all of them I would pick the one you feel most comfortable with. Good luck CJ
Congrats on your referral. I had Dr. Moiel pereform my surgery. He is wonderful. I met Dr. Leger briefly, he seems really nice too. I'm not sure about the other surgeon, you will probably have atleast 1 more appt with Brenda and Julie before your appt with the surgeon
Once you have your appt, you will have to be on a clear liquid diet for 24 hrs prior to surgery. I had a hard time adjusting to the carnation instant breakfast after the surgery. After awhile, it started tasting not so wonderful.
Hey Peggy,
I got a call from the scheduler today and I have an appt with Dr Moiel on 02/13/07. I am very excited as I have only ever heard GREAT things about him. They haven't told me I have to see Julie and Brenda again before my appt with surgeon so I'm not sure.
What kind of things should I be asking him at my appt?