Baby, it's cold outside!
Brrrr! I was going to be a good girl and go to Curves this morning but, as I was leaving the house, I noticed that I was unable to see the street. There's white stuff all over the place! What the heck! It was a great excuse to get back under the covers for a few more hours. We must have a good 4 inches of snow on our street. What's it like at your house?
Wanna throw snowballs?

Hey, I'm back! Looks like it was some kind of glitch after all.
Thanks goodness, I would surely miss this board and all yous guys.
Snow, snow everywhere!
I had a heating pad, two down quilts and a microwave rice bag with me last night. I just could not warm up.
We have a raging fire going and all the cats are right in front of the hearth snoozing away.
Kahuna, the Hawaiian import, went outside for 10 seconds and decided this is NOT for him. So, he and I will curl up together and keep warm.
You are all spoiled rotten
I got up tryed to go to work,, got stuck in my car got home and took the 4x4 to work. I am sitting here bored because there is nothing going on.
I love this stuff its so pretty and gresham not to icy.
you all stay home in front of you wonderful fires and think of me out in this stuff

I will play snowball games with your Joy!!!!
In Roseburg, we still had 2 to 3 " of snow on the groud from last week so have added freezing rain this morning and another 2 to 3" through out the day. Of course we live up on a side hill over looking Roseburg and I-5. I drove down in the freezing rain this a.m. expecting everything to melt off the road by aroung 10 or 11 a.m which usually happens. Today it did not. The main streets are melted now but the slush will freeze again tonight. The side streets are a mess and getting back up my hill to my house was impossible. My car is down at the bottom by some neighbors and a friend came brought me up the hill in his four wheel drive. My husband was sure HE could drive the car up the hill, so he tried---but silly man, didn't get any farther than me and had to back down as I had. I will not leave my house in the morning until the frozen stuff thaws. I came home early today and still had trouble getting up the hill.
I spoke to my son who lives in Beaverton, and he walked to work this a.m. His wife tried to drive to her work but the police blocked some roads so she went back home. Good for her---she works so much overtime that it will be good for her to be home for a change.
Stay warm and enjoy the fire (pellet stove, in my case, with a ton and a half bags of pellets!!).

Yipeeee!! My kids always go to bed with determined and hopeful that it will be a snow day. It was!! Portland got some flak for canceling school last week, so this morning as of 7:00 word was that there was school (not even a late start). I looked out the window and decided no way was I waking anyone up! They came to their senses soon enough. One of the teachers from our highschool was on the news - he had slid into a car driving to work, and when he was exchanging insurance info someone else started sliding towards his car and he had to jump over the hood to not get hit.
Our snow man is made! My Schnauzer Fritz loved the snow and rollicked. My Rat Terrier pooped two feet from the door and came back in pronto! It's so pretty to look at out the window!