I went for pre op labs this morning
Hello All,
I went for my last weigh in with Julie and Brenda at Kaiser on Tuesday. I stayed the same. No gain, no loss after Thanksgiving and Christmas. I was impressed. My total weight loss since April 05 is 55lbs.
I got my letter asking that I go for my pre op labs. I did that this morning. The letter states they will review my case on Jan 16th. THAT'S NEXT TUESDAY. ONLY 4 DAYS AWAY!
So a question to anyone who has been at this point with Kaiser, what can I expect?? If all my labs come back fine and the review goes fine. what's next? Appt with the surgeon? Surgery date?
I am very excited, nervous and kinda scared at the same time. All this "hoop jumping" I have been doing for the last yr and a half may come to an end? Wow.
Thanks for listening!

Hi Sarah:
1st of all, congratulations on your weight loss. Basically after the committee approves you for surgery, you will get a date to talk to the surgeon. they will then havie you talk to Rosie the surgery scheduler, then you will have to make sure all your pre-op tests are done ( ekg, arterial blood gases ) they will tell you to get what they call a cross type (your blood typing) Make sure when you talk to the surgeon to have questions to ask. You can e-mail me anytime. I am almost 5 months post-op.