Breakfast was GREAT!
We made it to breakfast at Elmer's Delta Park and the gathering was wonderful. Yes, there was a thirst for friendship. It looks like we all had fun.
We have to do this at least once a month. We could try to have it at that Elmer's every first Saturday of the month between 10:00 - 11:30AM.
Just a thought.
I had a blast! And so did Henry. He was happy he wasn't the only guy there, LOL!
Kelly, Lori, and Lara, it was great meeting you. And Tee, Joy and Deanna, great to see you again as always. Thanks for the great conversation and sharing.
I'm all for doing this once a month, but I would vote to rotate the Elmer's so we can each have an opportunity to go to one semi-close to home sometimes.