4 weeks liquids--not happy
Man oh man, I'm on day 9 (counting day of surgery) of 4 weeks post op liquids.
Take someone who's a complete food additct and take it all away. I'm not a happy woman. I'm down 16 lbs since my pre-op and don't even care, lol. I want to eat something.
I know that there are 2 others (Denise & Karen) who had surgery the same day as me. How are you guys doing? How does anyone do it!!??
banded 12/29 by Dr. Tersigni in Coos Bay
Down 16 lbs since pre-op
jen I have not had surgery yet but I dread the liquid diet thing. I just went thru 4 days of it for a different condition and wow was I glad to eat something. but I understood that it was 2 weeks liquid and 2 weeks soft foods? at lease that is what I am counting on
Hang in there sweety. I have heard alot of different things some people were ok to go to soft foods quickly some had to wait 2 weeks but I have never heard of 4 weeks of liquids. were there any compliclations?

No, there were not any complications. It was done outpatient. I went into surgery at around 11:45am, and left the surgery center around 3pm.
Those are my Dr's orders, liquids for a month, then onto regular foods. He does not do a mushy phase. It all depends on your Dr. I read a post on the lap band board and a woman who had surgery 2 days before me had a salad and a soda for dinner! My Dr. also says no soda too. I have to admit, I was drinking at least a 2 liter of Diet Coke/day, but now don't even desire it.
I was also dreading the liquid stage. After my c-section, I was on liquids for a few days, and thought that was terrible!
Are you looking into the band or RNY?
I missed the chewing thing too. All the literature says no gum but I couldn't stand no chewing so I got some sugarless gum and chomped away for just a little while, always aware that I had gum in mouth that I could not swallow. It did help. Also, I froze the non fat non dairy cool whip into some small squares and chewed that stuff. It melts so fast in your mouth that you only get a couple of chomps but I found that helps too. Also, when desperate I sucked on a sugar free hard candy. It was miserable for me not to chew, I was even thinking of taking up chewing tobacco just to have something to chew on. I realize that non of the above are on an "approved" list but I had to do something in order to feel like I could be human around other people. LOL Kathy
You bet it is. Anything that melts is considered a liquid. Jello is a liquid, ice cream (of course that is a no-no for other reasons), popsicles are liquids Etc. I did the medifast diet several years ago with six protein shakes a day, which may be what you are doing, and it was o.k. I gained the 90 pounds I lost back, however. Julia
hi Jennifer, I'm not liking the liquids either, the only good thing is I get full really fast. I have been eating yogurt with protien powder in it so I feel like I'm eating and not drinking everything, I'm starting to not like the smell or the taste of the protien. I am having a hard time getting all my protien in, I only get abot 30 to 40 gms because I get full so fast. I'm not having a problem getting all the water I need. I have lost 16 lbs too but it doesnt feel like it, my stomache still feels swolen.
I think the first four days were the hardest for me. The six hour drive home was awful, I slept alot but I have a hard time sleeping in a car, I need to see whats going on around me.
Every day gets a little better for me, hope every day is getting better for you too.
I know this is really hard, I too saw Dr. Tersingi, but you have to remember that putting solid food in your stomach at this point before it can heal will cause it to put preasure on your stitches and thats not a good thing.I beleive you can still have cream of wheat and egg flower soup. Go to a chinese restraunt and get some to go. I enjoyed it and I eat what ever they put in it. Cream of Whear became my comfort food.
I understand its not easy, infact in week three I sat down and sucked all the flavor off of Dorito patatoe chips because I was so desperate for something with spice and flavor.
30 days seems like a life time, just take it one day at time, take a deep breath and tell youself the sacrafice is worth it.
Hang in there !
Thanks everyone for all of the replies. I have not gone off the liquid diet, I'm too afraid to hurt the healing process. Luckily Dh has been making dinner for everyone around here (and he has cooked maybe a handful of times in our 14 years of marriage before this!) so that helps a lot.
I have been making my own version of egg flower soup at home. I use the Swanson's "Natural Goodness" chicken broth (in the box, 3g protein/cup), boil it and then add one egg white and stir until it's slightly cooked. I add salt & pepper too. That bumps the protein up too.
The day is marked on my calendar with a star when I get to eat again, lol.
Thanks again everybody!