Happy New Year
I just wanted to wish everyone a happy New Year. I just returned from our ski vacation in Bend. I had such a wonderful time skiing. I can only imagine what my life would be like now if I hadn't choosen to have WLS almost eight years ago. I hope all of you are doing well. I so want you all to realize the benefits of WLS. I love working for Dr. Tersigni and getting to know all of you. For Dr. Tersigni's patients, please call me if you have any questions. You should all have my cell number. Sending you all my love.
Its great to see your post.
Its so fun to have more and more people connecting us all together.
My Tummy tuck went really well, Im still swelling a few inch's by night but Im back at work and things are good. If you come back to this message you should be able to click on my picture and see the before and after photos, of course they were taken only three days after so Im a little less swollen now.
Im still looking for a location in McMinnville to hold that Support group, but I have been keeping in touch with Pat, Jennifer, marilyn and the crew from up here.
Hope you have a Blessed New Year and say hello to everyone in the office for me.
Hugs, gail

Hi Robin! Glad to see you post here. I have posted here and on the Nov site. I just posted that I think I am at one of those stall points, but I will not give up and have a pity party for myself, I will do like you said to do, sip, measure, walk, and everyone is different with their weight lose. I have an appointment with Dr. on the 24th so I will know if I am really at a stall and if I am doing things right. Also I know that my scale is off about 8 lbs compared to yours, so we will know when I see you on the 24th
Thanks for your cell, have not had to use it yet, just comforting knowing that I have it and can use it any time.