First post- starting process
Hello- I am new here. Actually, I started looking at these boards 4 years ago, and have just registered for the first time, finally feeling serious enough about moving forward with the WLS route.
I am in Portland. My husband and I both hope to have surgery. We took our first step by changing our insurance carrier from Kaiser (who we hear takes forever) to Blue Cross/Blue Shield. My husband is a state employee, and works with several people who have had the surgery. He is 6'5 and 420lbs and I am 5'5 and 300.
I have no idea yet about what surgery type will be best for us and we are hoping to go to an orientation session in Jan.
I am a licensed clinical social worker and am working on my PhD. I hope I might work with WLS patients in the future in a helpful way as well.
Based on some web research, I am looking at Dr. Patterson's profile and considering her. I will be on the lookout for other people's experiences here in Portland Metro.
:) Melanie
Welcome Melanie,
I have not had my surgery yet but hope very soon. I just got my approval last week. I started thinking about the process in 2000 and finally started a year ago, I to had to change policies as my husbands work insurance did not cover any obesity treatment, He is a United states Air force reserves and we had the opportunity for a substansual increase in cost sign on to the Tricare program thru the military and they do cover it so we invested in my health and our future and here we are. I was hoping for surgery in Feb but I just went thru a colon thing so maybe march. I to am around 300 at 5'2 I am in Gresham. What part of the state dose your husband work for? One of the best things I did during this process was go to breakfast with some of the ladies that had been thru the process ,, It was so wonderful to sit and talk and lesson to the stories and feel and see the light at the end of the tunnel. I would love it if you could come to breakfast with us some time. I was thinking about maybe seeing if there are any ladies in the area that were available tomorrow on short notice. keep on the board we chat a lot around here and feel free to Email me any time. I was also looking at Emma Patterson but unfortunalty she was kinda backed up on the schedule so I went with Dr Jan who I have also heard wonderful things about. I like him he is very kind and sweet.
My General physician has had patients with Emma before and she likes her a lot, you will be in good hands with her.
I think it is wonderful that you and your husband are doing this together. My husband doesn't need the bypass but I sometimes worry about how we will eat together after the fact. He is very very supportive and that is not a worry for me. I have to admit the biggest worry for me is greving food and how it works for me.
any way I a not as articulate as some of the ladies on her but am glad to peck out a letter any time you need to talk,
Yes, the changing relationship with food is going to be a biggie, and also, since food has become so central in our relationship (going out, celebrating, etc.) I am sure it will also change relationship dynamics with us. It's a big deal. I hope that we will be able to start filling in our time with more active plans, hiking, canoeing, things we are too big to do now.
I hope I can join you all for breakfast some time- best wishes-
Hi Melanie - welcome to the group! If your insurance is through the State of Oregon, PEBB with Blue Cross/Blue Shield, they will only pay for RNY Gastric Bypass. I am also a State Employee, so that's how I know. I guess they feel it is the surgery with the highest success rate (even though I'm inclined to think that it varies depending on the person). I also am in the beginning stages. I have been waiting for the Oregon Bariatric Center in Eugene to be certified as a BC/BS Center of Excellence so I can have the surgery here. Also, I need a diagnosis of diabetes because my BMI is only (
) 39.5. I have had pre-diabetes for the last year or so and I don't think I will have a problem getting the diagnosis, since I know my sugar has been all over the scale for the past few months. Just waiting for my GP to get back in town.
Best of luck to you!

From what I've been reading, it seems that the insurance piece depends on your union's negotiation (as to what's covered.) It looks like some people with the same insurance as me have to have 6 months dr. supervised diet, and some not. But it looks like several with my insurance only have coverage for the RNY.
My husband has diabetes and an apnea machine. I think that we'll try to go to orientation at both places- OHSU and Legacy- and see which looks better. It looks like OHSU has some aftercare complaints, and Patterson has a longer wait and also waiting room waits. We both have BMI's over 40, and I hope that my fibromyalgia and joint pain is helped by the weight loss.
I had fully expected this to take a year to get approved, and am surprised that I am reading people moving through the process so quickly... kinda scary and exciting!
Hi Melanie,
Congratulations to you and your hubby for making this step. I don't know whether your insurance covers coming to Eugene or not but we have a great program down here at Sacred Heart. I had surgery 11/22. I too am/was diabetic and had high blood pressure. I had 2 or 3 shots of insulin in the hospital but was on oral meds preop, never insulin. Upon discharge from the hospital after surgery, I needed no more diabetes medicine (oral or insulin) and was off of 2 of my 3 BP pills. Within 2 weeks, I was off the third BP pill too. I have already lost 37 pounds also.
Good luck to you and your hubby on this journey.
Yes, I am back at work and I am feeling great. The recovery time for Lap RNY is insanely FAST. I had surgery on a Wednesday, home Friday, and back at work (from my recliner via laptop) on that next Tuesday or Wednesday. By the following week, I was back at work full-time but I do work at home. I am a medical transcription supervisor for a nationwide transcription company. We have employees from all over the Continental US.
I think most folks are back to work within 2-4 weeks, depending upon the type of work that you do.
I had my lap band done with Dr. Jan on Oct. 7th, 2005. I find everyone in Dr. Patterson's office to be very competent and professional. I have the highest respect for all of the surgeons and their staff.
I actually have no complaints. I do have to add that if you want your surgery done sooner rather than later you'll probably need to either have Dr. Hong or Dr. Jan do the surgery. I've met all of the surgeons and they are all great!
Good luck on your journey!
It's good to know that you were happy in Dr. Patterson's office. I read your profile- what do they say about your slow progress? It must be tough to go through this big step and then not have the expected results... it sounds like you are handling it well, but I think I would be really frustrated.
Take care,