bad news good news.
Ok bad news first. yesterday I went to work feeling like maybe it might be my time of the month, mild cramping and such by lunch time i know I had to go to the ER. I could barley drive my self and getting in the door was very very hard. I struggled with some severe cramping for hours but when i got nausious I knew this was not normal. So even though I have that little voice in my head that says you are fine just get tough and get thru this it will pass I went in anyway. after exams morphine and a CT scan the Dr told me I have Diverticulosis. I dont know what is worse the disease or the fear of how it will affect my WLS that I was hopping for.
OH yea for the good news,, I got the approval in the mail yesterday for the surgery. Im so sad because I am so sick,, I am praying the mega antibiotics I am on and some rest will reslove the problem and not stop the surgery. I had a nurse at the ER that said the surgery will help the Diverticulitis because it will change the eating and such.
I guess I need to call Dr Jan. but i really dont want to,
doing lots of reserch and praying alot.
ok I really need a friend right now
Oh Kelly, diverticulitis is painful! I had a bout of IBS for a year and a half and they ruled out diverticulitis on me, and the IBS was horrible enough! I would urge you to talk to your surgeon ASAP. I hope things work out that this will be get better with surgery and not be a stumbling block for you.
Call Dr. Jan now! I know you don't want to, but you will live with wondering until you know for sure.
Good luck to you! Keep us posted.
I called him and left him a message along with my Gp neither has called me, I am not very good about complaining and is hurts when things are bad enought for me to call and no one calls back, ohh im sooo sick,, the pain is incredable, the ER doc tryed but quite frankly he sucked,, just wanted me out of his ER, guess there isnt much more to be done but wait it out with the anitbiotics, started having diarea today hope that is normal, quit the percocet they make me feel so itchy, trying to pretend its like labor and if i get thru it it will be ok in the end, well the liquid diet will get me ready for surgry if I still get to get it, one of the things I was thinking as I went to ER yesterday is if I dont say anything about the pain and just get thru it i wouldent have to worry about it casusing problems with the surgery, but that is not right thinking, just fear thinking, I want to be safe most of all, just wish someone would call me back, Dr Jan is out of the office until next week. his associate hasent called back yet. ok im rambling guess i should go back to bed,
Thank you kim, you are so sweet, Today is better than yesterday, Dr Reay finally called it felt better just to talk to her, she did say that this should not stop the surgery, maybe delay it for a bit as she would want me to have a barium enema and see exactly how many i have and how severe they are but reality is 60% of us have these but i just am one of the lucky ones to get an infection, the antibiotics seem to be helping as the pain is about a 3 today as compared to the last couple of days of 5 to 10 thank you for your sweet words, really needed them, boy this liquid diet sucks, guess i better get used to that