6 Days Post Op
Hi Everyone;
I am 6 days post op and I am having pain in my stomach, I eat and drink fine no nausea but it hurts to walk , I thought it may be gas and the only relief I feel is with pain meds.and thats only for a short time. Has anyone else expierenced this? If it wasnt for this pain I would feel great.
Thanks Nancy
Hi Nancy!
Oh yes! My stomach was soooooo sore after my surgery! Like you, I ate and drank with no problems but my stomach felt hard and sore. It felt like all my stomach skin was pulling tight when I stood up and walked. I think it was about a week to a week and a half after surgery before it finally started to loosen up and feel better.
I'm glad to hear you're doing well other than this!

I needed to use my pain medicine through the second week. I didn't need as much, but I knew I would move more if I took it. Walking is good for working gas out. My left side was very sore and swollen. It ends up your stomach is way over there, not where I thought it was. The good news is you are getting the things you need into your system, which will move everything in the right direction. Give it time and each day will seem a bit better.