still in the hospital and my surgery was Dec 13th
Well here it is four days has gone and 5 is coming up fast. I am still in the hospital. On the second day I couldnt do the leak test. It hurt really bad to swallow and I was vomiting all day after that. From what they could see from the test is that I was blocked from the bottom of the stomach to the intestents. The doctor said he suspected that since there was a lot of bleeding during surgery. He figured there was a blood clock blocking the opening. There day went worse. I woke up with a migrane and then had to do the leak test and the ct scan. Again I couldnt swallow and I was still vomiting from the day before. After trying those test my IV got clogged and it was descovered until I woke up from my nap. My hand was the size of a foot ball with a log attacked to it. The nurses removed the IV but couldnt start another one because of day of surgery my other arm gave my IV a problem. So we had to wait for the doctor. Finally the doctor order a pike to be installed in my upper left arm. That took about 2 hours to do with exrays to make sure everything is in ok. So basicly no IV or pain meds that whole day and I was out like a dog once I could go back to sleep. Today as my fourth day has gone well. I am drinking my fuilds and held all of it done. And to top it all off writing this letter my doctor came and said I could go home in the morning. YA
Katrina: So sorry to hear of all your problems but I sure glad they kept you in the hospital. St. Charles is very good and they give you excellent care. I think you were being watched over and that is why you had to stay. It is a long way from Madras to Bend when there is an emergency. My surgery is Wednesday. Going into Portland tomorrow and do the admission at 3. Then we will see when I am scheduled. Have been so busy I haven't had time to think much about it. Left work at noon so now the nerves are setting in but I know it is the right thing to do.