For those who aren't squeemish ....
I finally got the video footage of my surgery and I posted it to my blog if anyone is so daring as to watch it. It is about 15 minutes long and it does show some of my insides so if you don't like the sight of blood ... here is your warning. I think it is so cool how they can get all of those instruments in there to do all the work. It is sooooo cool.
Let me know whatcha think. You will probably have to click the link as the video isn't playing in the player on my blog for some reason ... my son needs to figure that one out still.
I should have the video from my news interview in the next day or so and I am hoping to have that posted by this weekend.
Have a good night guys.
Hey Tara,
To get the photos from the office, I just sent an email to Kathy and asked for them and she emailed them right back to me. Send me a PM if you need her email address. I also asked her for my preop measurements too so that I have those as well.
As far as taping the surgery, when they did my interview for the news, I had it set up for them to videotape the surgery. They don't usually tape the surgeries but they did mine at my request because of the news story. It is definitely surreal to see your own insides on the screen.
Geez what a doofus I am! I swear, I am getting more and more "blond moments" (that is not my term, but what someone says to me to describe my spaciness sometimes) the further I'm out from surgery.
I'm doing great. I seem to be eating more, which has me concerned. I need to remember to just limit it. I sometimes think I get too much in at a time. But the fullness mechanism is not that strong, even when I eat slow. I am not having trouble with ANYTHING. It's so great!
I go in for my one month check up tomorrow. I will be anxious to see what their scale says. By my scale, I am down 22 lbs. from when I left for surgery. I just hope it keeps going. I can't believe at this point I'm still skeptical if this is going to work. I'm just very anxious to start getting down to the weights I haven't been for SO long! My next goal is 6 pounds away. That will be my weight on the day of my 2nd marriage. And when I go beyond that, I will be all "hahahahaha" at my ex. LOL!
No worries, Kim, I resemble that comment from time to time myself. I actually have to bleach streaks in the hair so I really have an excuse. LOL.
I am glad you are doing well. That is great that you can get back at your ex. Small goals are great. Makes the bigger ones seem easier to eventually get to. Good luck at the doctor's office tomorrow ... be sure to post your results!
I haven't had any trouble with any foods really either. No vomiting, no dumping. I did have a little difficulty with a hard boiled egg and I think that was probably because it was too dry. I mixed one today with some tuna fish and a little FF Miricle Whip and chopped onions. That went down real well.