Angelique Thomas
I regret to inform you that my best friend Angelique Thomas passed away on December 3, 2006 after having gastric by pass surgery in Eugene Oregon on December 29, 2006. During the autopsy 800 ml of pus and infection were removed from her stomache caused from leaking of one of her incisions into her stomache, the autopsy report states that the infection was present prior to release from the hospital after surgery...the doctor said she was fine...she was not fine... PLEASE THINK TWICE ABOUT HAVING THIS SURGERY...Angeliqe will be forever loved and never forgotten
I'm so sorry to hear about your friend.
I'd like to point out that all of us who have these types of surgery acknowledge that we may not make it through the surgery or may have to deal with very serious, if not deadly, complications. It is not a decision we enter into lightly. I'm sure this is also true of your friend. I'm sure I thought seriously about my surgery more than just twice.
Again, I'm so sorry to hear about Ms. Johnson's passing. Please extend my condolences to her family and friends.
Dear Lisa
Just like the others had said. We have done our research and thougt twice about it and then thought some more. My surgery date is Dec 13th which is Wednesday. I dont plan on letting your post change my mind. Basicly the way I think about it, this is the chance for me to have a new life. A new life with my children and a new life with my husband, friends, and family. I do understand the risks that are involved. The way I think about it is, I could die trying to do something better for my self or I die of a heart attack or something like that due to my weight. At least if I die trying to do this surgery my family will know I was trying to do something about it. Staying this way is a slow suicide.
Lisa I am sorry for your lose. I do know how it feels. I have lost love ones too. But Angelique was trying to better herself. She was trying to take control of her life. Surgery is a big risk. It doesnt matter if it was a weight loss surgery or to remove a Gall blater, it is surgery and things can happen. Again I am sorry and my thoughts are with you.
I am so sorry for your loss. It really hurts my heart. My prayers are with you and her loved ones whom is miss her.
I am scheduled for suregery on Wed, Dec 13. This makes me nervouse as I have read a lot and reasearched this for a long time. I understand the complications and risks. Your message is timely.
Did they do leak tests before she left the hospital? I am having my surgery at Legacy Good Sam in Portland and they do 2 leak tests before you leave.
Dear Lisa,
I am so sorry about the lose of your dear friend. Leaks can be very serious but are also easy to detect. Did she have a drain in place? Did her surgeon perform a leak test? There are also very direct signs and symptoms that accompany a leak: rapid heart rate, increased temp, abdominal pain and distention, gastric bile in the drain etc. Did her labs reveal an increase in white blood cells? Who was her surgeon and how many cases has he or she performed? These answers won't bring your friend back but still should be asked. I had gastric bypass over 7 years ago. I was diabetic, hypertensive, and had sleep apnea. I can only guess what my health and life would be like if I had not chosen to have surgery. I would still chose surgery. Patients can and do die after surgery but many patients will die without surgery. Patients must be informed and seek a highly skilled experienced surgeons. The learning curve for this type of surgery is step so choose a surgeon that has performed numerous cases and check out his or her complication rate.
Again Lisa, losing a dear friend is painful but so is living with morbid obesity. My heart and prayer go out to you and her family. I'm sure she has left you with wonderful memories.
Lots of prayers,
I am so very sorry. It is a good reminder that there are very serious risks associated with WLS. May your memories of her comfort you until you meet again.
Best wishes to you and yours
366/151/170 Reached goal 6/4/06
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