Breakfast fun??
I know those girls up by Portland meet for breakfast every so often and one of these days I might just go there to meet them too.
I was wondering if any of you ladies or gentlement would like to meet for breakfast sometime in Eugene. I go up from Roseburg one time a month for an embroidery club I belong to and thought it might be fun to meet some of you for breakfast earlier in the morning. My meeting starts between 9:30 and 10, so would have to leave breakfast by 9:30. Is that do-able for anyone? My next meeting is the 16th---next Saturday. Short notice I know but I would even be willing to drive up on some other Saturday if that would work. I think it would be fun to meet each other face to face. Let me know what you think, if you live in or around Eugene or even the Roseburg area or inbetween etc., etc. . Julia

I think breakfast on a Satuday morning each month would be fun. I also think that anyone should be able to come whether they have had surgery or if they are hoping to or what ever. I think it would be a great time to just chat and keep in touch with everyone and their progres.. let me know if I can help with anything, I live in Eugene so whatever I can do just let me know!
We have several of the "regular" places like Elmers, Denny's and IHOP type places. Gateway area is usally a pretty good central location it is near I-5 and in the middle of Eugene and Springfield! I sure hope we can get this together.. maybe in January some time since the holidays are so busy for everyone!
Hi Julia,
I am in the Eugene/Springfield area as well. I have my final weigh in with my PCP tomorrow then they are sending my packet in for approval from my insurance company. If all goes as hoped, I will be having surgery sometime in January but wanted to let you know I would be interested in getting onboard with this breakfast idea too. I know Tara and she makes a good suggestion about the Gateway area.
I know of someone else that suggested something get started up in the area as well. I was thinking that we are pretty new here and many of us are finally getting in for surgery. I would imagine that the more that are on the "other side" the more interest you may get. Just my thoughts.
Please keep me informed if anything starts to come of this idea. I'm pretty busy right now just trying to get approved.
Darla P.
Congratulations Darla. Where are you going to have surgery? It would be great to have you come along to a breakfast. I didn't know anyone else had mentioned it so hope I am not stepping on toes here. It would be great to have people from all different stages, from preparing for surgery to those that had it years ago. I had mine on 4-10-06. We will continue to plan to meet. Good luck with your insurance and scheduling your surgery. Let us know what happens. Julia
Hi Julia,
I am going to have my surgery in Eugene. Dr's Umbach and Gorrin are my surgeons.
I'm certain that no toes are being stepped on. It was more of a comment and wondering if others would be interested kind of thing. You have my vote to go forward and I'm sure it will take off. After all, we all need each other and I don't ever see an end in site. Tara and I are in the same support group and with a couple of us up here, word will spread like wild fire. It's a positive and fun idea to say the least. I congratulate you for taking the initiative to get something going like this.
I'm going to send you an email through your site now.
Darla P.