How to tell my father about my big day?
Katrina: By now you have had your big day and I bet you are home from the hospital and on your way to the new you. I just know your father will be so surpised to see his trim, thin daughter. And even though he may not say it, am sure he will be pleased. My prayers are with you and I hope to meet you some day soon.

Hi Katrina,
I am scheduled for surgery on 1/10/07 and I must say, I have told those that I feel would be supportive of my decision and no one else. This is a big enough decision without the potential "negatives" from others.
I would do the same thing in your shoes. Once it's done, it's done. Although your father may not agree and you feel you may never have measured up to his expectations he's still in your life. That's unconditional love. He is not likely to turn from you. Just think how fun it will be to surprise him when he sees the New You. No doubt you will be feeling better and more confident as time goes on. Perhaps to the point that your fathers negatives may not feel quite at negative to you as before. It's all about perception and with confidence, those things don't always feel nearly as bad. Make sense?
I feel for the first time in my life that this decision will be one that will have me becoming perhaps a little "selfish" since this is all about me. Sometimes I wonder if that's why I got where I am today, because I thought too much of what others felt about me. Not this time, nosiree, I'm going forward with my chin up and feeling confident that I am doing the right thing for my future and my life. In the end, it's for my family too. I want to be there for them as long as I can be.
I see that your surgery date has past and wonder what you decided to do about telling your father. I know that before my surgery I did not really care who knew because people were obviously going to see a big change in me and I would have to tell them anyways. I have people at work that I told, family, friends, etc. For me I did not see a reason to hide what I was doing because I decided to do the surgery and will have to live with that for the rest of my life. I understand not wanting to tell people but in the long run they are going to find out so I do not know how helpful it is to hide it from them. Hope to hear what you did and how your surgery went. Bye