Surgery but not WLS next Tuesday
Well, my very painful right ankle seems to have a bone spur on it, so I will have surgery to remove this lovely projectile next Tuesday. I can hardly wait to be carting myself around on crutches.
Oh well. Hopefully, the next time I have surgery, it will be my RNY, so if I ever need my ankles and feet worked on again, I'll be able to whip around on those crutches with no problem! I am actually relieved to know that spur is going to be removed. It has been causing me a great deal of pain.

Still no work from Eugene Bariatrics yet, but they say it should be coming any day. Then I can make my appointment to go in, get set up for classes, etc. I can't wait to get started. I want this so badly that I'm not worried about holiday goodies. I'll gladly pass them by to lose my required amount of weight and get with the program!